Vrh "B" (litter "B")

Štěňátka se narodila 2.8.2015 (vrh "B"). 2 holky Bee a Benja a kluk Basillio
Puppies were born yesterday (2.8.2015). Two females Bee and Benja and male Basillio


Grand Champion Seikon chin Untis - Rodokmen (Pedigree):
Junior champion Simsalachin Sole Mio - Rodokmen (Pedigree):
Bee ze Zlaté Olešnice - Pedigree
Basillio ze Zlaté Olešnice - Pedigree
Benja ze Zlaté Olešnice - Pedigree
Father: JCH Simsalachin Sole Mio
Mother: GCH Seikon Chin Untis
Photo by Kardelen